To the person or persons that robbed my truck last night.. - ভালবাসি বাংলাদেশ

নোটিস বোর্ড

আপনিও হয়ে উঠুন আপনি নাগরিক সাংবাদিক

আপনিও হয়ে উঠুন আপনি নাগরিক সাংবাদিক "নাগরিক সাংবাদিক বাংলাদেশ" এর স্পর্শে। নগর ও নাগরিক সমস্যা সহ যে কোন বিষয়ে আপনার লেখে ছবি...

মঙ্গলবার, ১৬ জুলাই, ২০১৯

To the person or persons that robbed my truck last night..

To the person or persons that robbed my truck last night..

Writer Kyle Kennedy
I truly hope you enjoy all my gym gear as I have over the years and my wallet. It was more than just a bag.. shoes.. headphones and supplements.. when I wore all of that and used it I was always at my happy place.. i was always being the best me i could be when those things were with me. Of course i can acquire these things again but it's the principle of it. This has been twice in 3 months I have been robbed.. my home and now my vehicle.. and both occurrences has gotten me down mentally but you just have to keep moving forward and let things go. I will state i thought i had locked my truck and it was not and that's on me. So this is just a reminder to all to be safe.. be cautious.. always be aware of your surroundings and lock up.. and if you've been where I am.. stay positive.. things happen for a reason even if it makes no sense at all in the moments. One foot in front of the other and keep your mind and body healthy! Remember what you have control over at what you do not! Ps if anyone lives or was around the downtown 3rd st area last night pls check your vehicle's!

আপনার নাগরিক দ্বায়বদ্ধতা থেকে আপনিও যোগ দিন, হয়ে উঠুন নাগরিক সাংবাদিক

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